Ministry Team Recruitment

Ministry Teams from chris taylor on Vimeo.

The Ministry Teams Need your help.

prayer team logo
The prayer team helps coordinate the various prayer ministries and corporate prayer gatherings conducted through the Church, and helps communicate prayer needs and opportunities. This team will help promote a “House of Prayer” mentality at the Church, encouraging all attendees and members in developing and growing lives of prayer.
Current members of our prayer team include:

Gary Baker, Clarence Fothergill, Martha Fothergill and Janet Langston.

facilites team

The facilities team assists the Church in matters related to building maintenance and administration. Its work includes such areas as maintaining all Church facilities for ready use, recommending policies regarding use of facilities, recommending employment of maintenance personnel and assigning responsibility to appropriate personnel for supervision. This team researches and recommends necessary facility expenditures to the staff and finance team.

This is an open team and all who feel called may serve please contact team leader – Lonnie Flowers

grounds team

The grounds team assists the Church in matters related to maintaining non-building Church property. Its work includes such areas as lawn and garden care, parking lot maintenance, and general exterior upkeep and beautification. This team researches and recommends grounds-related expenditures to the staff and finance team.


This is an open team and all who feel called may serve please contact team leader – Doug Tervooren with help from The Wheelington Team.

missions team

The missions team seeks to discover possibilities for local, regional, national, and international missions projects, shares findings with Church organizations and serves the Church in establishing and conducting such missions projects as may be assigned to it.

This is an open team and all who feel called may serve please contact team leaders -Rusty & Laurie Wheelington. Some members who serve on this team are: Lew Sharp, Shirley Taber, David Bryant and Gary Baker,

hospitality team

The hospitality team has the responsibility of preparation for any event or group visiting our Church and shall give direction to the Church ministry as it seeks to minister to those experiencing sorrow or bereavement.

This is an open team and all who feel called may serve please contact team leader -Sidney Sisemore.